Media Coverage

Campus Review: Over 40 per cent of grads say they’re wasting skills

16 Jan 18

Over 40 per cent of grads say they’re wasting skills

Loren Smith, Campus Review

The government’s 2017 Graduate Outcomes Survey National Report revealed that between 2008 and 2017,
the proportion of graduates who were reluctantly underemployed increased by 10.8 percentage points to
19.7 per cent, around 10 per cent more than the workforce at large.


In regards to employment and satisfaction those with postgraduate degrees scored higher than
undergraduates. They rated their experiences roughly the same as undergraduates in terms of skill

Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations National President Natasha Abrahams said this indicates
how “incredibly important” postgraduates are to employers, and thereby, the economy. Yet she tempered
her response with a criticism of the level of financial support these students receive. “…The current lack of
consistent income support for Australian postgraduate students makes life harder for this cohort.”

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