COVID-19: Support Australia’s future, Support postgrads!


fares fair

The Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) is disappointed that as it currently stands, most postgraduate students (both domestic and international) will not benefit from the COVID-19 stimulus payments, and they too will suffer as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) is disappointed that as it currently stands, most postgraduate students (both domestic and international) will not benefit from the COVID-19 stimulus payments, and they too will suffer as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Postgraduate students need to be supported financially during this pandemic so they can continue with their studies, which are vital for Australia’s long-term economic growth and research reputation. 

The government needs to understand that this is a ONCE IN CENTURY kind of situation and everyone is affected equally. Specifically, the students who are far away from their homelands, trusting the universities and the government here amid this crisis.

Australia’s HDR and coursework students deserve better than to fall through the cracks!

Demands to the Government:

Demands to Universities

Campaign updates:


Release date   Media Release title

11th March 2020

  CAPA warns: “Dark days ahead for the Higher Education sector.”

13th March 2020

  Postgraduate students are left out of the COVID-19 stimulus payments, says CAPA

30th March 2020

  Domestic postgrads fall through the cracks during COVID-19 

30th March 2020

  International postgrads fall through the cracks during COVID-19 
4th May 2020
  CAPA welcomes amendments to research training program to support HDR students


Release date   Submission title

6th March 2020

  Unlawful Underpayment of Employees’ Remuneration

25th March 2020

  Temporary Migration

28th May 2020

  ‘COVID-19: From a research student’s perspective.’
25th August 2020   2020-2021 Pre-budget Submission

Joint Statements:

Release date    Media Release title

23rd March 2020

   Peak student bodies welcome the Respect@Work report and call on the government to look after women during this pandemic

4th April 2020

   Peak bodies stand together and call the Prime Minister to act for the betterment of International Students

8th June 2020

   CAPA welcomes guaranteed loans for NSW Universities

22nd June 2020

   CAPA says, ‘Job-ready graduates to power economic recovery must be supported’

16th September 2020

   Statement by Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) for improving the quality of education

21st September 2020

   To prevent the next ‘Brain Drain’ fund researchers now

6th October 2020

   CAPA welcomes $1 billion commitment in Budget support for Research

Policy Explainer:

Release Date:Explainer:

22nd June 2020

   Job-Ready Graduates reform explainer

9th October 2020

   2020-2021 Federal Budget Briefing

22 October 2020

   Research Support Program funding explainer

Campaigns Materials: