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Opening of nominations for by-elections: General Secretary, Queer Officer, and Women’s Officer

February 22, 2018 @ 8:00 am - March 16, 2018 @ 5:00 pm

CAPA is seeking to fill the vacant 2018 office bearer positions of General Secretary, Women’s Officer, and Queer Officer.

Nominations for these positions are open as of the 22nd February 2018, and will close at 5pm AEDT on Friday the 16th of March 2018.

In order to nominate for a position, please fill out the nomination form, including with a mover and seconder from a postgraduate association which is an affiliate of CAPA, and return the form to by the closing date. Nominees are encouraged to submit a written statement of up to 300 words to explain their relevant experience, why they want the role, and what they wish to achieve in the role.

Explanations of main duties of each vacant position can be found here.

Please note that there are additional rules around who can propose and second the nomination of a candidate for the Women’s Officer and Queer Officer. The proposer and seconder for a Women’s Officer candidate must be woman-identifying. The proposer (but not necessarily the seconder) for a Queer Officer candidate must identify as queer.

As it can take some time to coordinate a proposer and seconder for a nomination, I suggest that those interested in the position fill out their nomination form in advance of the closing date.

Voting in these elections will be conducted online and in accordance with previous by-election procedures. Further information about voting will be communicated to affiliates at the close of nominations.

Please contact if you have any questions about nominating or voting.


February 22, 2018 @ 8:00 am
March 16, 2018 @ 5:00 pm