Students as co-creators of universities #UAConf18
Kirstie Chlopicki, Campus Review
How can universities give value to students as partners, rather than as consumers?
This question formed one of the major themes of the 2018 Higher Education Conference, and not just in speaker content – it was also reflected in the inaugural inclusion of a student panel.
For the first time in the history of this Universities Australia conference series, Wednesday’s session: Employability and Curriculum Designed by the Future, featured a seminar run entirely by Gen Y representatives.
The four student leaders – National Union of Students president Mark Pace, Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations president Natasha Abrahams, Council of International Students Australia president Bjay Sapkota, and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Postgraduate Association vice-president Sharlene Leroy-Dyer – posed as deputy vice-chancellors for the day and pitched the initiatives and policies of their fictional universities.
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