Attachment: CAPA Submission
The Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) is the national peak body representing Australia’s 257,000 postgraduate students. These students are engaged in both coursework and research programs and include
84,600 international students. The Annual Council Meeting, comprising delegates from 36 postgraduate organisations and covering 34 Australian public universities, sets CAPA policy and direction.
CAPA’s concerns about the Higher Education Legislation Amendment [Workplace Relations Requirements] Bill 2005 relate to the likely impact on universities and students, on early career researchers and in particular on postgraduate students employed in universities.
Postgraduate students frequently combine study with work, many finding employment in universities. This is of course convenient, but most importantly it gives those who are considering an academic career valuable experience. Postgraduates are employed as tutors, demonstrators, lecturers, in IT help desk support, international student support, administration and as laboratory assistants. Their employment is often on a casual, part-time or fixed-term