Raise Our Voice

The Raise Our Voice campaign launched during Bluestocking Week 2018 and intends to raise awareness of equity initiatives in postgraduate spaces.

The campaign highlights marginalised voices among the postgraduate population, and emphasises national advocacy for equity groups. When student leaders work together, we can achieve real change in our universities for the benefit of all future students.

The first outcome of the Raise Our Voice campaign is the Equity Student Representatives Handbook, which provides guidance for how to effectively represent equity groups at a postgraduate level. The handbook may be downloaded from here.

Raise Our Voice is an initiative of the 2018 CAPA Equity Committee.

Follow the Raise Our Voice page on Facebook for the latest campaign updates.

Current national initiatives in progress under the Raise Our Voice banner include: developing a queer representational agreement for Australian student bodies, working with Queer Unionists in Tertiary Education to host a series of Pride Chats in Victorian universities, and conducting an audit of universities’ disability services. We have also recently worked with other peak university bodies to develop a set of principles for respectful postgraduate supervision.

How your student association can get involved

All CAPA affiliates are invited to participate in the Raise Our Voice campaign. We are seeking to spotlight excellent equity initiatives by CAPA affiliates, in order to give recognition to your contributions and inspire student leaders around Australia to do more for equity groups. If you would like to be involved, please contact CAPA Vice President (Equity) Mick Fox (email: vp-equity@capa.edu.au).

Upcoming equity dates of significance 2018

Bluestocking Week – 13 – 17 August

RU OK Day – 13 September

Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People – 13 September

World Mental Health Day – 10 October

Intersex Awareness Day – 26 October

Transgender Day of Remembrance – 20 November

Related content

Equity Student Representatives Handbook

Raise Our Voice media release