Download – CAPA NATSIPA RRR research submission
In this submission we focus on the barriers that are preventing RRR universities from improving their research outputs, and make recommendations on how these barriers might be removed or reduced by RRR universities, as well as state and federal governments. Having considered these barriers, we make the following recommendations:
Recommendation one: That RTP or equivalent value stipends be made available to all HDR students.
Recommendation two: That RTP PhD stipends be extended to a minimum of 4 years and Masters by Research stipends to no less than 2 years.
Recommendation three: That the minimum value of RTP stipends be increased to at least minimum wage.
Recommendation four: That, where not otherwise covered by an RTP or equivalent stipend for any reason (e.g. the expiration of their RTP stipend), all full-time, domestic HDR students be eligible to access Austudy (subject to means testing of the student).
Recommendation five: That student concession fares be extended to all full-time students, including international and postgraduate students, in New South Wales and Victoria.
Recommendation six: That a national public transport concession scheme be implemented such that all tertiary students can access concession fares in all states.
Recommendation seven: That the Commonwealth Government implements legislation requiring at least 50% of Student Services and Amenities Fees be received by independent student associations.
Recommendation eight: That RRR universities provide financial support to their student organisations equivalent to at least 50% of Student Services and Amenities Fees collected from the students those organisations represent.
Recommendation nine: That RRR universities reduce their reliance on casual and short-term contracts and transition towards providing additional full-time secure employment contracts.
Recommendation ten: That RRR universities continue to support ‘grow your own’ initiatives to develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academics.
Recommendation eleven: That RRR universities fund Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers to conduct research on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues.
Recommendation twelve: That the Government extends Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) funding to HDR students.
Recommendation thirteen: That universities provide four-year stipends of at least minimum wage for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctoral students.