Attachment: CAPA Submission
After reviewing the research policy and funding arrangements review discussion paper CAPA believes that there is room for improvement in current policy and funding arrangements for research and research training in Australia. However it is the opinion of CAPA that major structural change is not currently necessary, and that more evidence is required before it could be considered. Many of the issues raised in regards to current research funding arrangements extend from insufficient funding of the current system rather than from the funding structures themselves.
CAPA understands that in a constrained funding environment flexibility of existing funding and the ability to pursue or generate additional funding streams are important. There are only so many ways that the current funding quantum can be sliced but the quality and integrity of the current system must not be compromised in this pursuit. With that in mind this submission address areas in which CAPA considers there to be room for improvement.
Key Recommendations
Information pertaining to the Review can be found on The Department of Education and Training site.